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Sunday 4 December 2011

Big Back and Spare Days

I feel odd, writing the first "Workout Review" on a rest day - but there it is. After 6 months of feeling stagnant in the gym with 3 Days On, 1 Off and Repeat ad nauseum I am re-learning the key to success in my body and in my goals.

Rest days.

I simply need more time for the body to recover. Especially after Back Day.

In this months' issue of Inside Fitness Magazine they had a feature on "Back Routines" that hit home with me. It was almost exactly what I was looking for. Taking the basic principles of this plan (30 sets per day, focusing on larger muscle groups with a full warm up) I was able to modify it as needed for a full weeks routine.

I gotta admit, Back Day has been my favorite workout for a long time. Nothing makes me feel stronger and more .... complete I guess, than a fully blasted back. I also enjoy just how "meat and potatos" this plan is. If you read the paln in the mag / on the website, you will note that I made some small changes to maximise the benefits of my gym and to work around my nagging joint injuries. So here's how it looked for me yesterday.

X-Trainer Warmup - 15 minutes
Overhead Dumbbell Pullovers - 4 x (10-12)
Deadlifts - 6 x 6
1 Arm Row - 5 x 5
Wide Grip Pulldown - 4 x Failure
Close Grip Pulldown - 4 x Failure
T-Bar Row - 4 x 12
Wide Grip Cable Row - 4 x (12-15)

I was unable to commit the 15 minute X-Trainer cooldown post workout yesterday due to personal commitments (re: I wanted to get to RONA and pick up some mousetraps and rat poison before the crowds showed up and made a 5 minute trip a 45 minute Odyssey - sue me). However, after this I was pleasantly exhausted and prepared for the sleep that I had so richly deserved.

As far as nutrition goes, weekend I allow myself to "live a little" . I mean, there's only so much training and scrimping I can possibly do. As much as I've always wanted abs and the confidence to perpetually be a "Trunks and boots grappler" in my mind there's no point in working as hard as i do if I can't enjoy a night out with friends over a few beers, a hockey game and reminiscing over the past year in wrestling.

Tomorrow is Leg Day. The day after is marathon cardio or hot yoga (I'll flip a coin). By the end of this week I'll either do a weigh in / progress photo and see what I can do about scaring the kiddies and posting it to the blog.

Until then, thanks for reading. If you have any questions, comments, criticisms or just plain old whatevers - feel free to post it below or send me a message.

Follow Me on Twitter - @OutlawAK
FaceBook -!/pages/Outlaw-Adam-Knight/9828497922

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