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Tuesday 20 March 2012

Andrew Paterson is a Moron, Feeling Jacked, and Pink Zubaz FTW

Let me guess, you're wondering who the hell "Andrew Paterson" is, right?

Well, if you live in Winnipeg and listen to TSN1290 you'll know that this gentleman is the "Hustler" half (#MoreLikeOneQuarter) of "Hustler and Lawless."

Now, I realize that bashing on media types - especially Sports Media Types - and their opinions is a favorite past-time of Internet Trolls everywhere. So I am fully aware that wading into these murky waters has the potential to damage my (questionable) credibility. With that said, I still believe that "Hustler" is a moron.

Not all the time, but definitely on the issue of the Winnipeg Jets Fans in the MTS Centre.

Monday night on the "Hustler and Lawless" radio drive home program, Mr Paterson was suggesting that the rowdiness of the Jets Faithful on home ice acted not only as fuel for the home team, but as fuel for the opposing team who were eager to shut them up and play the spoiler. As a result this exemplified itself in the two Eric Stall goals and his cocky salute to said fans after sealing the game for the visiting Caorlina Hurricanes.

Two Things:

1) No Shit Sherlock - Rowdy fans and their energy can be used in a negative fashion by visiting players, especially the ones who have the skill, determination and experience to feed off of this energy and allow it bring forth their A++ game.

2) This isn't golf, Hustler! The people of Winnipeg waited 15 LONG years for an NHL franchise - nay, for the WINNIPEG JETS -to return home! It is their God Given right to pay big money and support their team in any fashion they deem possible. If you expect them to politely applaud good plays and be silent when there is nothing to be there for, then stop talking sports and go cover the fucking symphony. You'd definitely be more relevant at that job then that arrogant cock Morley Walker ever was.

I have been wrestling in and out of Winnipeg for over 17 years and I can say - unequivocably - that the Winnipeg Fans are some of the most passionate, rowdiest and creative minded folks that it has ever been my priveledge to lace up my boots in front of. I have seen many an athlete come through my hometown and be completely thrown off by the passion of these crowds.

And that's the way the game is played!

Overall, you ain't a bad guy Andrew Paterson. I totally respect the fact that you and Lawless go out of your way to cover less topical sporting events in Manitoba (Bisons,Wesmen, MJHLand the Olympic Wrestling trials for notable examples).

But on this topic? I'm sorry to say it, but Hustler; you're a moron.


Now, getting back to the important topic at hand - #OutlawForever - I have to say, there's definitely nothing quite like the attention one gets when sporting a pair of Pink Zubaz to your local gym in 2012.

Trust me, You very quickly get good at perfecting your "no-selling face".

Good Times.

So with that said, here was today's massive sweat inducing Outlaw's Ass Kicking workout:

5 Minute warm-up, static stretching, limber, etc.
Hanging Dips - 5 + 4 + 3 (15 secs btw - body weight)
T-Bar Row - 8 (3.5 plt) + 10 (2.75) + 12 (2) (15 sec btw)
                 Circuit 3x
Nautilus Machine Press - 4 x 8 ("200") + 10 ("170") + 10 ("150")  (30 secs btw)
Standing Side Lateral Raise - 7 x 9 (20 lb - 20 sec btw)
                 Rest 2 Mins
Wide Grip Tricep Extension - 12 ("150")
Single Arm Extension - 10 ("50")
Bench Dips - 15 (body weight)
                 Circuit 3x
X-Trainer Intervals - 20 mins (401 cals)

So yeah, great workout today. Looking forward to getting home, throwing a big meaty Costco sized steak on the grill and catching the Jets game.

Have a good one folks. Check out the links when you get a chance.


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