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Saturday 19 May 2012

Old Article, Quick Chest Review

A few years ago I became a member of the writing website Helium. It’s a fun place for writers of any genre, format or spectrum to get together and develop more material for themselves. For a brief period of time I went on a “writing frenzy” and had a new article up every other day or so (kinda like this sporadic, irregularly updated blog …. Errr….).
Anyways, I fell out of the habit and I regret that. I have been asked recently by some of the moderators for this site to contribute more articles once again.
Until then, Here is an old piece I wrote and published 4 years ago on “Exercises For A Strong Back.”
Been a few days since I updated, but in truth I only missed one weight training review and my cardio day. They went thusly:


5 Mins Bike Warmup
5 Mins Static Stretching
Incline Dumbbell Press – 20 (40lb) + 15 (50) + 10 + 10 + 8 + 7 (80)
Single Leg Quad Extension – 5 x 15 (1 plt)
Machine Fly – 15 (“100”) + 12 + 10 + 10 + 8 (“160”)
Machine Press - 12 + 10 + 10 + 10 (“200”)
Standing Cable Flys - 4 x 10 ("70")
Hanging Knee Raises 3 x 15
20 Mins Stationary Bike

Friday -
Hyperextensions, Hanging Knee Raises, Dumbbell Obliques - 3 x 15
Bench Crunches – 3 x 25
X-Trainer - 60 Mins

Add into that the return of my 9 Day Diet Plan (9 days on, 1 Day Cheat) and the wickedest headache I’ve had since the last time in increased my cardio while simultaneously dropped my calorie intake hit me right behind my left eye. Simply ow.

Worth it though. Liked the extra pep I had in my step this mornign after I woke up and scarfed some oatmeal.

Shoulders later. Wrestling news coming soon. Have a great day!


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