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Saturday 17 December 2011

The Best Thing About A Private Gym ...

... is that when you're working out after midnight and no one else is around you can geek out a little bit and groove to the tunes on your mp3 player.

At least until a maintenance dude comes strolling in and busts you.

It's a good thing I have tremendous self confidence or I would feel like a complete nincompoop right about now.


Not exactly a "Champion Quality Intensity" for tonight's workout. I completely blame myself for dragging ass into the pit instead of getting up early enough to hit it right after waking. That's always my best and most productive time for training. Completely anchors my day and motivates me to stay on a proper nutritional pace (no point in getting up early and busting ass only to shoot yourself in the foot with some fried chicken dumbass - order the fucking salad.)

That said, good quality pump was had and I am loving the definition in my triceps (*busts out a quick Todd the Bod pose).

Smith Military Press - 4 x 12
Overhead Dumbbell press - 1 x 8 (65lbs); 3 x 10 (55 lbs)
Seated Lateral Raise - 4 x 10 (30 lbs)
Front Raise - 3 x 10 (45 lb plate)
Rotator Cuff Cable Extensions - 3 x 10 NO REST
Rotator Cuff Cable Curls- 3 x 10 NO REST
Upright Rows - 4 x 10 (95 lbs)
V-Bar Extensions - 4 x 10 ("170")
Rev Grip Pause Extensions - 4 x 12 ("120" - pause every 3rd rep for a 3 count)
Cable Burnout Extensions - 4 x Fail ("90")
Treadmill Walk - 10 mins, 5% incline

So yeah. Not quite as hardcore an effort as I would prefer, but that's where it is.

A rest day Tomorrow - this time for REAL I will be having a Cardio Day to burn off the extra pounds around my middle. Wishing there was a Jets Game on tomorrow cause that would be all kinds of fun, and a challenge to see if I could honestly keep up an intermediate pace for the duration of a whole hockey game.

Interesting idea. Stay tuned.

ALSO - I have decided to make X-Mas Eve Day (Dec. 24th - duh) my official year end weigh in, measurement day. I wanna see where I am at and where I need to improve on things. Methinks I will need to find a set of calipers between now and then to get an idea of how far away of my 10% bodyfat goal I truly am.


Buy An Outlaw Tee !!

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