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Sunday 15 January 2012

Feeling Proud of Myself Despite My Stuffed Nose

Gym Day off today. I've earned it. Hit it hard for 4 in a row. Gonna relax some, play with the pups, my nephew and hopefully check in with the family later.

However gotta give props to my new buddy Jon from Muscles By Meyers for taking the time to help me get my BF% Testing done. I will be getting a copy of the full results emailed to me in the next day or so. But the gist of it says - and I was darned pleased to hear this - that on average I am currently rocking a 17.5% Bodyfat.

May not sound like a victory to some, but for me? This is encouraging beyond words. Make me feel very pumped that I actually have a shot at 10% by March 31st!

So yeah, feeling it good today. Thanks again, Jon.

I did still work out yesterday:

Overhead Dumbbell Press  10 (50); 10 (55); 10 (60); 8 + 6 (65) - 45 second rest
Dumbbell Upright Row 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 (55 lbs) - 30 second rest
Side Lateral Raise  8 + 5 (40); 10 + 10 +8 (35) - 30 second rest
Hanging Dip 5 x 5 (body) - 30 second rest
Rotator Cable Extension 3 x 10 ("30")
Rotator Cable Curl 3 x 10 ("60")
V-Bar Extension 12 ("160"); 10 + 10 + 8 ("170")
Rope Extension Dropset
X-Trainer 20 mins (314 cals)

So yeah, a good sweat. Followed by good news. And then good times doing some ring training with the young boys. Either that ring was more solid than I am used to or I am out of practice. Damn.

More tomorrow.


Outlaw Tees!
Old School Outlaw Highlights!

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