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Wednesday 29 February 2012

Stomach Resolved, Shoulders Slammed, Cardio Exhausted

Feeling very weak as I type this, a firm indicator that I need to get me some eggs and coffee STAT before my blood sugar completely tanks and I am left facedown passed out on this desk.
Wow. Been a long time since I have hit the cardio that intently. Phew.

Woke up this morning and rejoiced as my stomach no longer wished to rebel on me! No more X-Wing fighters making strafing runs at my Death Star's exhaust port (insert horrible joke here) and feeling like I actually got a fair amount of proper sleep / rest. An odd feeling to be sure.

After a nice cup of joe (no relation) and the oatmeal / blueberry / raisin / protein isolate breakfast I felt nice and energized for today's Shoulder Smashing.

Smith Machine Overhead Press 12 (1 plate); 4 x 12 (1.25 plate)
Upright Dumbbell Row / Dumbbell Shrugs Superset  4 x 10 (55 lbs) / 4 x 12 (80 lbs)
Bent Over Dumbbell Fly 4 x 12 (40 lb)
Standing Side Lateral Raise 4 x 10 (30 lb)

So yeah, that felt good. A nice, volume heavy pump and swoll. Taking it easier on my rotator cuffs - which have been cranky for the last week or so. And frankly, at my age I don't have a lot of desire to be putting any more strain on my joints / back with heavy overhead military presses. Save that for the young boys who want to be Jim Hellwig.

With that done I forewent the abs (given that I got all lazy) and decided to freak out the only other dude in my gym this morning. Apparently, he'd never seen anyone attempt the "garbage bag technique" for cardio before.

NOTE: I am well aware that this is not something to be done for long periods of time. Also, I am aware that it can be a dangerous practice for the uneducated morons who think it is smart to do this for excessive days on end. While this practice is mostly good for shedding water weight and little else, I find that trying this once in a blue moon helps my body kickstart it's thermogenic process a bit and makes it more inclined to operate at a higher burn in the days following.

Bottom Line; consult a physician / expert before trying this yourself. Let ME be the nitwit, okay?

So yeah.

X-Trainer 60 mins Moderate Intervals (897 cals, Avg HR 113 bpm)

And with that said, I am spent. Food is calling my tummy's name. And given how little of it I have been able to keep down since Sunday morning, I am seriously looking forward to it.



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