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Monday 6 February 2012

Cardio-A-Thon Foiled, Shoulders Smashed, Feeling Good

So I woke up this morning with the full and proper intention of heading out, finding a gym with an operating elliptical trainer and sweating my bag off for a good 90 minutes.

Then I rolled over, looked my two pups square in their wet little eyes and realized that they hadn't had a proper walk in at least two days.

Pups need their exercise too. especially my fat little munchkins.

So with no regrets I put their little sweaters on, piled them into the truck and took them for a nice long walk at the Kil-Cona Dog Park. Nothing better than watching my boys run in the snow for a good half hour or so. Though freezing my tail off is never my favorite thing.

Sacrifices. It's all good.

With that said, knowing I no longer had time to properly hit the cardio, I rescheduled that session for tomorrow morning (fingers crossed) and decided to hammer my delts into some semblance of a pump.

Smith Machine Barbell Press 15 + 15 (1 plate); 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 (1.5 plt)
Wide Grip Upright Row 10 + 8 + 8 + 7 (135 lbs)
Rear Delt Fly 10 + 8 + 8 + 8 (50 lbs)
Leaning Side Lateral Raise 10 + 10 + 7 (30 lbs - NO REST)
Standing 3/4 Lateral Raise 15 (20 lbs)
Rotator Cuff Cable Extension 3 x 10 ("30")

I got halfway through the upright rows when my shirt started to feel funny. Great pump today. Not sure what I did that was different diet wise to set it off. Maybe I was just glad to be hitting the shoulders strong after a week off (the light circuit done in the hotel gym didn't really count).

Who cares? Felt great.

So yeah, cardio tomorrow. Guns on Wednesday. And maybe a day ofrest at some point. No promises.

Thanks as always for reading.



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