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Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Importance of Food Prep, Insomnia, Still Feeling Strong

Current time: 4:26AM

Sometimes my personal sleep habits suck monkey nuts ("sometimes"?)

On the positive side, I should be having more good news in the near future regarding upcoming travel dates (wrestling related and otherwwise - what, I have a life outside of the boots, chaps and ass-whippings you know.) I love me some travelling after all.

Having an early spring is good for many things. Longer walks with my dogs. The ladies wearing more figure flattering items (thank you, by the way ladies). And of course, firing up the BBQ.

Without question, my BBQ is King for my food prep. Sure, I have a Foreman Grill and I can prepare a truckload of chicken breast on it with ease. However, there is nothing quite as satisfying as the feeling of upending an entire box of chicken and beef upon the grill and cooking it to perfection with the full knowledge that I will be repackaging it into pre-made meals in my deep freeze.

Sure, that made sound peculiar to the average sap. But to a wrestler desperately trying to maintain mass / lose the belly.  This is an essential.

Especially when you're as naturally lazy as I am. Food prep saves me from reaching for quick crap. If I can reach into the freezer, pop a chicken breast in the microwave with a cup of frozen broccoli and have a healthy meal in 2 minutes? That's a win.

So here's to early spring and to - theoretically - a healthier me.

As for my workout tonight, I am about ready to find a new circuit to blast myself with. But for this week I shall stay the course.

5 Mins warm-up; Medicine Ball rollouts (back cracking), rotator cuff loosening, static stretching
Hanging Dips - 5 + 4 + 3 (body weight)
T-Bar Row, Wide Grip - 8 + 10 + 12 (stripSet)
               3x (90 sec rest)
Machine Chest Press - 1 x 12 ("150"); 4 x 8 ("200"); 1 x 12 ("170") (30 sec rest)
Standing Side Lateral Raise - 7 x 9 (20 lb) (30 sec rest)
Wide Grip Tricep Extension - 12 ("160")
1 Arm Extension - Failure ("50")
               3x (45 sec rest)

Before bed I am gonna take my dogs for another decent walk and then hop on the treadmill while watching Sportscentre. Hope to get another 45 minutes of intermediate cardio in with the hopes of actually getting a proper 7 hours sleep.

I'll let you know how that goes.

Thanks again to all my regular readers. I love the feedback as always - both positive and negative. Feel free to share my thoughts and opinions around as much or as little as you want.


Osborne House

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