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Monday 12 March 2012

Finding My Smile, PCW:X-Training, and Unrealistic Goals

For all of my loyal readers (and I know there's more than just Dave and Matt, though love, respect and that to you both of course) I am sure that it has been kinda obvious that my focus just hasn't been on my training / blogging in the last few weeks.

After starting strong and pounding it hard through January (giggity) I fell off pace slightly in February.

Blame it on my brutal schedule (2 road trips, getting sick, multiple overnight shenanigans of working a straight job / being a pro wrestler, etc) as much as I'd like to, the fact remains that I have to own up to the truth.

I am soft.

Not just in the belly (though, duh!) but soft overall. As in, once the stress of goals and life starts mounting on my back and it becomes necessary for me to plow through with "Big Guns" a-blazing I tend to find excuses for things such as :

1) nutrition fails
2) cardio avoidance
3) lack of focus

Add into that the self inflicted pressure of giving myself a 3 month deadline to get down to 260 pounds / 10% bodyfat and I have to ask myself - "What the hell is the matter with you?"

And then I go and visit the kids over at Osborne House.

Osborne House is a women's shelter for families suffering from domestic abuse in need of shelter and sustenance for short periods of time. At any point over the course of a given year there can and will be at least a dozen different ladies with their children seeking refuge in this facility, all dealing with one form of heartbreak, abuse and danger.

So when I was asked by Holly and Barb to come into the shelter and spend some time with the kids, just to talk with them - share some road stories (G-Rated of course) tell fart jokes and read a book to the younger ones - it was a real eye opening experience.

Here are some kids (all ages, all backgrounds and all in need) banding together in one form or another and - instinctively -just trying to be kids.

Have you ever had your heart break while smiling the biggest smile you've ever smiled?


That's been me all damned day.

The folks at Osborne House are always in need of donations - monetary of course, but goods and services are always welcome. I cannot stress enough how desperately your help is needed and much it will be appreciated. Everything from food, clothes, cleaning supplies to DVD's, children's books ... If you have something you're ready to throw away, take a second look and ask yourself, "Can a kid in need use this?"

Go to the link I have provided for Osborne House, email or call Barb and ask how you can help today.

So, now that I have my internal zen re-calibrated I can re-evaluate my own selfish goals with a renewed sense of purpose and perspective.

Sure, I would like to be all abdominal and less bellyriffic come March 31st. But at this point, I don't think it's realistic.

And that's okay!

I'll shoot for April 30th and take these goals one month at a time. I am in this fitness game for my health and for the long haul. I am 35 now and want to keep on being "The Outlaw" for a few more years. But if I can't maintain a certain quality of athleticism, then there's no point in even lacing up my boots.

Speaking of "Lacing up the Boots":


9PM Bell Time (Doors open at 8PM)
$10 at the door
The All Japan World Jr Heavyweight Champion - KENNY OMEGA
The Greatest WWE Intercontinental Champion of All Time - THE HONKY TONK MAN
"The Outlaw" Adam Knight (c) vs Antonio Scorpio Jr

Gonna be a great damned show. Hope to see you all there!


Osborne House

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